New Age Trekking
Business Department
Welcome to the wilderness!
Here in nature is our home, our office and true commitment
to give you the ultimate outdoor experience.
Listen to your body. Feel the nature. Join us.
Take your team on an outdoor adventure and discover your strengths in most innovative ways possible.
Invite your closest friends to join an extreme Trek in the Desert, and reach beautiful canyons and springs.
Gather your entire unit for a teambuilding day, including mountain climbing, Kayaking, Rappelling, Cave exploring, or hit us with an idea for an adventure of your own. We are ready.
We provide outdoor production services for companies, organizations, educational institutes and groups of all ages.
We specialize in Treks and Hikes of all levels, outdoor teambuilding activities, extreme sports for groups and outdoor fine catering solutions.
Our goal is to improve and expand the interactions between employees, to achieve more effective collaborations and synergy. We believe that throughout our nature experiences you can accomplish all of the above.